Drop Ship Specials
Minimum order $500
Prepaid Freight $500
90 Days Dating
Event Specials
20% Savings on New Item Showcase
20% Savings on Select Drop Ship Displays
25% Savings on 4′ Chimes and 8′ Security Lighting POG’s
Save 20% OFF New Item Showcase
Model # 17000205
Model # 17000214
Model # 18000179
Model # 18000174
Save 20% OFF Select Drop Ship Displays
Globe String Light Display
- SKU# 12873-DSP
- 25 Incan Bulbs
- 25ft Cord
- 20 Unites per display
- Indoor/Outdoor Rated
- Cost: $437.50
- Show Cost: $350
- Prepaid Freight
- While supplies last
- SRP: $9.99
Designer Power Strip Display
- SKU# 78299-DSP
- 64 Units
- 6ft Cord
- 3 Grounded Outlets
- 2 USB (3.1a)
- 32x black(78333)
- 32x white(78341)
- While supplies last
- $10.40/unit
- $665/display
- SRP: $19.99
Globe Designer Cord Display
- SKU# 23287-DSP
- 40 Units
- 9 Ft, 16/2, 3 outlets
- Prepaid Freight
- 10 x Black (23234)
- 10 x White (23235)
- 10 x Grey (23236)
- 10 x Teal (23288)
- Cost: $243.60
- Show Cost: $194.88
Globe Designer String Display
- SKU# 30000023
- 48 Units
- 6ft Cord
- 2 Grounded Outlets
- 2 USB
- Prepaid Freight
- Cost: $9.87/Unit
- Cost: $473.76/Display
- While supplies last
- 12 x Black (78836)
- 12 x Grey (30000024)
- 24 x White (78837)
LED Glow Board
SKU #13559
Color Changing
20 Stencils
6 Markers
Cost: $12.68/unit
Cost: $76.08/display
Save 25% OFF Select POG’s
4′ Chime Planogram
8′ Outdoor Security Lighting Planogram
See us at Booth #2721
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